Monday, December 2, 2019

My View

Here comes an end the discussion of social media influencers. I must say that working on this theme was a pleasure for me to do research and write something up from it. I must say thank you to our Professor Nesbitt for this providing us this opportunity.

Firstly, when I searched for various information regarding the improvement of social media influencer tactics, one point caught my full attention. It is both related to human needs and psychological consequences. It calls altruism.

Research says that people naturally crave this feeling of helping others, thus, they could aware of their self-worthiness (Idler, 2011). Actually, as a senior psychology student, I must say that feeling oneself as an important individual in the community/society raises our self-esteem way higher than anything else. Eventually, positive traits, such as empathy, could arise in us. So, altruism is one of those most-essentials for self-development.

Moreover, I found out that in other countries, influential celebrities must engage in various donations to show others they care for their environment. It can be national, environmental or community-related. The aim is to engage with society and others. As a result, this process actually makes them even more respected and popular.

Nevertheless, not every single social media influencer can donate if he/she has just entered the industry or very rarely shows up in public to promote one or two brands. So, I must say that this also depends on the type of influencer and the circle of audience.

As I mentioned in my first acticle that we have a lot of young influencers in their twenties and who are mostly students. They sometimes announce giveaways that concentrated on cosmetics. The audience would be only girls who seek help. These are NOT environmentally beneficial or advantageable for the community. And the result is that they end up with the same circle with one aim: feedbacks on cosmetic products. This is the simplest and most general example.


However, we have also other influencers that truly want to develop our society and straightly influence others even in the smallest amount. This paragraph would be related to the concept of altruism and societal acceptance which I talked about previously.

So, there is a non-governmental organization (NGO) that consists of guys on their thirties that aim to build a living place for homeless children. It is called “Lantuun Dohio LLC” in Mongolian.

Not that much of time has spent since their first establishment. But they could reach enough attention and financial help in a very short time. For your information, November 1st is considered a Mongolian national day of giving. Usually, this day is dedicated to handicapped people, homeless children and those who are in needs. On that day, the director of the organization started a donation on Facebook so that people could give what they could for the future of those children.

The aim was to reach approximately 60.000 dollars for the establishment of the building. As a result, they reached 92.250 dollars just in 19 hours (more information on

I paid attention to influencers on that day. Some of them donated and showed it online. Maybe some of them did not show online. It all depends on the person. Nevertheless, I felt very thankful and appreciative for those young, “cosmetics” only influencers who donated and actually helped the NGO to grow. There were few, I know, but even a few means there are still some people who are not only promoters but helpers.

To finalize, we are all young right now at this moment. I am not someone to judge negatively these first-time-influencers. We all lose and gain. All I wanted to say that we, as a young generation, must learn and develop as intellectual individuals. No matter if someone is an influencer or just a person, empathy should come first!

-Learning not to annoy others
-Give them space
-Affect the surrounding POSITIVELY are the most important aspects to become better versions of ourselves.

I hope all my postings helped you a little more to have an idea of what does it mean to be an influential influencer.

Thank you and wish you good luck with everything!

Sincerely yours,


Deutsch, M. & Gerard, H. B. (1955). A study of normative and informational social influences upon individual judgment. Journal of Abnormal and Social Psychology, 51, p. 629-636

Idler, 2011. Social Influence on the Web: Eight UX Implementations. Retrieved from

Lantuun Dohio NGO. Retrieved from

Magic Mongolia. Retrieved from


  1. I was kind of interested in hearing about social media, because I am quite opinionated about this subject. You see, I'm not a big supporter of social media in general, although I use certain parts of it like Messenger or Facebook as a searching tool. However, apart from that I don't use social media at all. I deactivated my Facebook account more than a year ago (yes, it's possible to search things on fb even without being a user) and I've never used Instagram. To be honest I quite despise a large portion of the social media content. I've always had this prejudice about Instagram being a self-centered platform, and hence never had an interest in joining in. And frankly speaking I feel content even without social media. Nevertheless, I do acknowledge the social media's significance in the contemporary culture. So what I want to say is that even though this blog didn't turn out to be a critique of social media (which I hoped it to be :D), it was kind of interesting to adopt a different perspective for a while and see how other people see Instagram's content.

  2. I really like your post. I am glad that someone chose to discuss influencers on social media, because it is a huge trend, and something that I see every single day while I am scrolling through my feed. I think that social media has a lot of good and bad to it, and I'm glad you touched on both ends of the spectrum. While it can be a very superficial place that isn't always the best for ones mental health, it can also be a great place to both connect and for influencers to make a positive influence on their followers (increasing awareness about current issues, spreading positive messages...rather than photoshopping themselves or trying to sell cosmetics). I have heard recently that Instagram is planning on getting rid of likes and comments altogether. This would be a huge change, and likely put many influencers out of business, so I think it will be interesting to see what type of effect that has.
