Sunday, December 1, 2019

What the Experts Say I

First of all, let us ask people what is a social media influencer. This Forbes video explains very briefly our question and actually shows that anyone from any age can be a social media influencer.

As we have seen in the video and as I have been doing research, an influencer is someone who has the power to affect others. To purchase a product, to help make decisions, to change the audience’s worldview. It all depends on “his/her authority, knowledge, position or relationship with his/her audience” (Influencer Marketing Hub, 2019).

There are several types of influencers: celebrities (for example, Kylie Jenner who has 152 million followers on Instagram), industry experts and leaders (Elon Musk – the founder of Tesla, Paypal, SpaceX), bloggers and vloggers (PewDiePie - 102 million subscribers on YouTube), micro-influencers (no less than 5k followers on Instagram).

While I was searching the internet about the term of influencers, it has found that number of followers or subscribers does not matter. Which means that the most important thing about being a social media influencer is the actual impact. The content he/she gives, the relationship an influencer has with his/her audience (United Influencers, 2019).

For your information: there are many applications and websites that give you thousands of fake Instagram accounts for a certain amount of payment. However, experts mentioned that the actual interaction with the audience (with people with real accounts) is far more essential and qualified than just a number on the screen. I agree with this idea, however, in my opinion, number does matter for marketing people. The very first thing they and other people see and observe is the number of followers and likes. Sadly.


Influencer Marketing Hub, 2019. Retrieved from influencer/

United Influencers, 2019. Retrieved from

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